Recursion: A Computational Investigation Into the Representation and Processing of Language

David J. Lobina

Language: English

Published: Jul 15, 2017


This book provides a comprehensive account of the role of recursion in language in two distinct but interconnected ways. First, David J. Lobina examines how recursion applies at different levels within a full description of natural language. Specifically, he identifies and evaluates recursion as:

a) a central property of the computational system underlying the faculty of language;

b) a possible feature of the derivations yielded by this computational system;

c) a global characteristic of the structures generated by the language faculty; and

d) a probable factor in the parsing operationsemployed during the processing of recursive structures.

Second, the volume orders these different levels into a tripartite explanatory framework. According to this framework, the investigation of any particular cognitive domain must begin by first outlining what sort of mechanical procedure underlies the relevant capacity (including what sort of structures it generates).

Only then, the author argues, can we properly investigate its implementation, both at the level of abstract computations typical of competence-level analyses, and at the level of the real-time processing of behaviour.