The handbook is intended to present a well balanced general view of the current state of Slavic linguistics and the Slavic languages with regard to their synchronic and diachronic description. In contrast to previous undertakings of a similar nature, this handbook is not intended to be a grammar with chapters on individual languages. Its length, the extensive scope of its subject matter, the systematic approach and the method of description which reflect the current state of Slavic Linguistics set this handbook apart from others.
The handbook is intended to present a well balanced general view of the current state of Slavic linguistics and the Slavic languages with regard to their synchronic and diachronic description. In contrast to previous undertakings of a similar nature, this handbook is not intended to be a grammar with chapters on individual languages. Its length, the extensive scope of its subject matter, the systematic approach and the method of description which reflect the current state of Slavic Linguistics set this handbook apart from others.