Use this book to prepare for the ISTQB® Certified Tester Foundation Level Performance Testing exam. The book has been designed to follow the ISTQB syllabus, covering all of the syllabus learning objectives, with additional reference material extending beyond the syllabus. The book covers an overall methodology for managing and conducting performance testing.
Performance testing has often been considered a black art. In many organizations, perhaps an individual or a small group of technical staff or contractors is given the task of “load testing” an extended system, network, or application.
Performance testing is like any other form of testing. It follows a defined test process that is similar to other test types. It utilizes a disciplined approach to the definition of requirements and user stories, the creation of test conditions, test cases, and test procedures. It establishes measurable goals against which the success or failure of the testing can be judged. It also requires (and this cannot be stressed highly enough) a definition and recognition of performance test failures.
Readers will gain the knowledge with both content and practice questions to prepare them for the ISQTB Performance Testing exam. The book covers the performance test types, the performance testing methodology, and the steps to plan, create, and execute performance tests and analyze the results.
What You Will Learn
Understand the basic concepts of performance efficiency and performance testing
Define performance risks, goals, and requirements to meet stakeholder needs and expectations
Understand performance metrics and how to collect them
Develop a performance test plan for achieving stated goals and requirements
Conceptually design, implement, and execute basic performance tests
Analyze the results of a performance test and communicate the implications to stakeholders
Explain the process, rationale, results, and implications of performance testing to stakeholders
Understand the categories and uses for performance tools and criteria for their selection
Determine how performance testing activities align with the software life cycle
Who This Book Is For
Those who want to achieve the ISTQB performance testing certification, testers and test managers who want to increase their performance testing knowledge, and project managers/staff working with performance testing in their project for the first time
Use this book to prepare for the ISTQB® Certified Tester Foundation Level Performance Testing exam. The book has been designed to follow the ISTQB syllabus, covering all of the syllabus learning objectives, with additional reference material extending beyond the syllabus. The book covers an overall methodology for managing and conducting performance testing.
Performance testing has often been considered a black art. In many organizations, perhaps an individual or a small group of technical staff or contractors is given the task of “load testing” an extended system, network, or application.
Performance testing is like any other form of testing. It follows a defined test process that is similar to other test types. It utilizes a disciplined approach to the definition of requirements and user stories, the creation of test conditions, test cases, and test procedures. It establishes measurable goals against which the success or failure of the testing can be judged. It also requires (and this cannot be stressed highly enough) a definition and recognition of performance test failures.
Readers will gain the knowledge with both content and practice questions to prepare them for the ISQTB Performance Testing exam. The book covers the performance test types, the performance testing methodology, and the steps to plan, create, and execute performance tests and analyze the results.
What You Will Learn
Who This Book Is For
Those who want to achieve the ISTQB performance testing certification, testers and test managers who want to increase their performance testing knowledge, and project managers/staff working with performance testing in their project for the first time