Flask Framework Cookbook: Building Web Applications With Flask, 2nd Edition

Alexander Aronowitz

Language: English

Published: Aug 24, 2021


Flask is a web development framework developed in Python. It is easy to learn and use. Flask is "beginner-friendly" because it does not have boilerplate code or dependencies, which can distract from the primary function of an application. Flask originated in 2004 when a developer named Armin Ronacher created it as an April Fool's joke. However, it quickly gained popularity in the open-source community anyway. Consequently, it developed into a popular open-source project and gained a massive following, which it maintains today. Some features which make Flask an ideal framework for web application development are: Flask provides a development server and a debugger. It uses Jinja2 templates. It is compliant with WSGI 1.0. It provides integrated support for unit testing. Many extensions are available for Flask, which can be used to enhance its functionalities.