New, updated editions of the best-selling and most widely accepted textbook and workbook for learning biblical Greek William D. Mounce's Basics of Biblical Greek Grammar and its companion tool Basics of Biblical Greek Workbook are by far the best-selling and most widely accepted textbooks for learning New Testament Greek. These excellent tools for studying New Testament Greek are now even better. As a result of feedback from professors, the author has made adjustments to his material. For example, a chapter on clauses has been added at the end of the book. The CD-ROM is now easier to use and has even more information on it than the earlier edition. The workbook has been significantly rewritten. Nearly 50 percent of the verses are new. They are shorter and more focused on the grammar of the chapter. Features include: - Best-selling Greek language textbook - Changes from the first edition made in response to ten years of use - Grammar's CD-ROM is easier to navigate and now includes short audio summary lectures (7-9 minutes) - An appendix in the Grammar allows professors to introduce verbs earlier in the course - Two tracks in the workbook: track one allows you to go through the book in the normal order. Track two has totally different exercises that allow you to teach verbs earlier. - Workbook has 3-hole, perforated pages
From the Back Cover
New, updated editions of the best-selling and most widely accepted textbook and workbook for learning biblical Greek William D. Mounce's Basics of Biblical Greek Grammar and its companion tool Basics of Biblical Greek Workbook are by far the best-selling and most widely accepted textbooks for learning New Testament Greek. These excellent tools for studying New Testament Greek are now even better. As a result of feedback from professors, the author has made adjustments to his material. For example, a chapter on clauses has been added at the end of the book. The CD-ROM is now easier to use and has even more information on it than the earlier edition. The workbook has been significantly rewritten. Nearly 50 percent of the verses are new. They are shorter and more focused on the grammar of the chapter. Features include: - Best-selling Greek language textbook - Changes from the first edition made in response to ten years of use - Grammar's CD-ROM is easier to navigate and now includes short audio summary lectures (7-9 minutes) - An appendix in the Grammar allows professors to introduce verbs earlier in the course - Two tracks in the workbook: track one allows you to go through the book in the normal order. Track two has totally different exercises that allow you to teach verbs earlier. - Workbook has 3-hole, perforated pages
About the Author
William D Mounce (Ph.D., Aberdeen University) lives as a writer in Washougal, Washington. He is the President of, a non-profit organization offering world-class educational resources for discipleship in the local church. See for more information. Formerly he was a preaching pastor, and prior to that a professor of New Testament and director of the Greek Program at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He is the author of the bestselling Greek textbook, Basics of Biblical Greek, and many other resources. He was the New Testament chair of the English Standard Version translation of the Bible, and is serving on the NIV translation committee. SPANISH BIO: William D. Mounce (PhD, Universidad de Aberdeen) reside como autor en Washougal, Washington. Es presidente de la organizacion sin animo de lucro,, la cual ofrece recursos educacionales de alta calidad para el discipulado en la iglesia local. El Dr. Munce fue pastor y anteriormente profesor del Nuevo Testamento y director del programa Griego en el Seminario Teologico Gordon-Conwell. Es autor del exitoso libro de texto Griego, Gramatica biblica griega y muchos otros recursos. Sirve en el comite de la version de la Biblia en ingles NIV.
Product Description
New, updated editions of the best-selling and most widely accepted textbook and workbook for learning biblical Greek William D. Mounce's Basics of Biblical Greek Grammar and its companion tool Basics of Biblical Greek Workbook are by far the best-selling and most widely accepted textbooks for learning New Testament Greek. These excellent tools for studying New Testament Greek are now even better. As a result of feedback from professors, the author has made adjustments to his material. For example, a chapter on clauses has been added at the end of the book. The CD-ROM is now easier to use and has even more information on it than the earlier edition. The workbook has been significantly rewritten. Nearly 50 percent of the verses are new. They are shorter and more focused on the grammar of the chapter. Features include: - Best-selling Greek language textbook - Changes from the first edition made in response to ten years of use - Grammar's CD-ROM is easier to navigate and now includes short audio summary lectures (7-9 minutes) - An appendix in the Grammar allows professors to introduce verbs earlier in the course - Two tracks in the workbook: track one allows you to go through the book in the normal order. Track two has totally different exercises that allow you to teach verbs earlier. - Workbook has 3-hole, perforated pages
From the Back Cover
New, updated editions of the best-selling and most widely accepted textbook and workbook for learning biblical Greek
William D. Mounce's Basics of Biblical Greek Grammar and its companion tool Basics of Biblical Greek Workbook are by far the best-selling and most widely accepted textbooks for learning New Testament Greek.
These excellent tools for studying New Testament Greek are now even better. As a result of feedback from professors, the author has made adjustments to his material. For example, a chapter on clauses has been added at the end of the book. The CD-ROM is now easier to use and has even more information on it than the earlier edition. The workbook has been significantly rewritten. Nearly 50 percent of the verses are new. They are shorter and more focused on the grammar of the chapter.
Features include:
- Best-selling Greek language textbook
- Changes from the first edition made in response to ten years of use
- Grammar's CD-ROM is easier to navigate and now includes short audio summary lectures (7-9 minutes)
- An appendix in the Grammar allows professors to introduce verbs earlier in the course
- Two tracks in the workbook: track one allows you to go through the book in the normal order. Track two has totally different exercises that allow you to teach verbs earlier.
- Workbook has 3-hole, perforated pages
About the Author
William D Mounce (Ph.D., Aberdeen University) lives as a writer in Washougal, Washington. He is the President of, a non-profit organization offering world-class educational resources for discipleship in the local church. See for more information. Formerly he was a preaching pastor, and prior to that a professor of New Testament and director of the Greek Program at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He is the author of the bestselling Greek textbook, Basics of Biblical Greek, and many other resources. He was the New Testament chair of the English Standard Version translation of the Bible, and is serving on the NIV translation committee. SPANISH BIO: William D. Mounce (PhD, Universidad de Aberdeen) reside como autor en Washougal, Washington. Es presidente de la organizacion sin animo de lucro,, la cual ofrece recursos educacionales de alta calidad para el discipulado en la iglesia local. El Dr. Munce fue pastor y anteriormente profesor del Nuevo Testamento y director del programa Griego en el Seminario Teologico Gordon-Conwell. Es autor del exitoso libro de texto Griego, Gramatica biblica griega y muchos otros recursos. Sirve en el comite de la version de la Biblia en ingles NIV.