The Gnostic Notebook: Volume Five: On the Secret Teachings and the Hidden Mythos

Timothy James Lambert

Language: English

Publisher: #PrB.rating#4.67

Published: Oct 28, 2018


What is the esoteric significance of the beheading of John the Baptist? What is the nature of the relationship between Jesus and Mary Magdalene? Can we identify the biological father of Jesus? What mysteries are concealed within the two conflicting genealogies of Jesus? Completing the investigation began in Volume Two of The Gnostic Notebook, the author is finally ready to decipher the seventh and final parable identified within The Secret Book of James. According to that apocryphal text, this parable, identified only as "The Woman," will lead the seeker to the secret teachings of Jesus. "This has to be the last piece to be solved because doing so flips the signifiers, one after another, like parallel rows of toppling dominoes, until the meaning of everything has been transformed." Journey along as the author breaks the seal on an ancient mythos hidden deep within the Biblical and extra-Biblical texts. What he discovers will forever change how you think about the Bible.