The Transpersonal in Psychology, Psychotherapy and Counselling

Andrew Shorrock

Language: English

Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan

Published: Jan 15, 2008


The Transpersonal in Psychology, Psychotherapy and Counselling is written in an accessible style that appeals to the lay reader as well as experienced clinicians. It offers an in-depth exploration of transpersonal thinking in relationship to the helping professions, in particular psychotherapy and the 'depth psychologies'. It presents a broad yet detailed overview of transpersonal theory and its place in clinical practice. The work of the founders of the school and newer transpersonal theories are examined as well as the influence that the transpersonal perspective has had upon the major schools of psychology. Furthermore, the effect that other bodies within the humanities, such as philosophy and esoteric thought, bring to bear on the transpersonal school are also considered, as are the insights from bodies of knowledge in the hard sciences such as neurobiology and quantum physics.