An Introduction to Twistor Theory

S. A. Huggett & K. P. Tod

Language: English

Published: Aug 26, 1994


This book is an introduction to twistor theory and modern geometrical approaches to space-time structure at the graduate or advanced undergraduate level. It will be valuable also to the physicist as an introduction to some of the mathematics that has proved useful in these areas, and to the mathematician as an example of where sheaf cohomology and complex manifold theory can be used in physics.


"...a quick introduction to some of the deeper problems of twistor is recommended to anyone seeking to get acquainted with the area." American Scientist

"One of the virtues of this new work is that it is concise and to the point, a property that should particularly commend it to hard-pressed graduate students. Of necessity this means that a certain amount of preliminary knowledge is assumed of the reader, but this does not extend beyond the contents of introductory courses in general relativity and difficult geometry. Anyone who has these prerequisites and who is interested in twistor theory could hardly do better than to start with this book." C.J. Isham, Contemporary Physics

"...a concise but nevertheless readable introduction to some of the main strands of twistor theory and would certainly be a suitable introduction for a graduate student with a background in general relativity or differential geometry." J. Vickers, Bulletin of London Mathematical Society

Book Description

This book is an introduction to twistor theory and modern geometrical approaches to space-time structure at the graduate or advanced undergraduate level.