This "learn by example" book offers 10 complete JavaScript projects that will save web developers countless hours of development time. These projects can serve as samples to learn from and/or be adapted for use in other projects. The 10 projects all address common needs in modern web applications, including a utility library, a validation framework, a GUI widget framework, a dynamic event calendar application, a drag and drop shopping cart, and more! Coverage details JavaScript best practices, Ajax techniques, and some of the most popular JavaScript libraries, such as Prototype,, and the Yahoo YUI library.
About the Author
Frank W. Zammetti is a web architect specialist for a leading worldwide financial company by day, and a PocketPC and open-source developer by night. He is the founder and chief software architect of Omnytex Technologies, a PocketPC development house.He has over 12 years of "professional" experience in the information technology field, and over 12 more of "amateur" experience. He began his nearly life-long love of computers at age 7, when he became one of four students chosen to take part in his school district's pilot computer program. A year later, he was the only participant left! The first computer Frank owned was a Timex Sinclair 1000 in 1982, on which he wrote a program to look up movie times for all of Long Island (and without the 16k expansion module!). After that, he moved on to a Commodore 64 and spent about 4 years doing nothing but assembly programming (games mostly). He finally got his first IBM-compatible PC in 1987, and began learning the finer points of programming (as they existed at that time!).Frank has primarily developed web-based applications for about 8 years. Before that, he developed Windows-based client/server applications in a variety of languages. Frank holds numerous certifications including SCJP, MCSD, CNA, i-Net+, A+, CIW, MCP, and numerous BrainBench certifications. He is a contributor to a number of open source projects, including DataVision, Struts, PocketFrog, and Jakarta Commons. In addition, Frank has started two projects: Java Web Parts and The Struts Web Services Enablement Project. He also was one of the founding members of a project that created the first fully functioning Commodore 64 emulator for PocketPC devices (PocketHobbit).Frank has authored various articles on topics that range from integrating DataVision into web apps, to using Ajax in Struts-based applications. He is working on a new application framework specifically geared to creating next-generation web applications.
This "learn by example" book offers 10 complete JavaScript projects that will save web developers countless hours of development time. These projects can serve as samples to learn from and/or be adapted for use in other projects. The 10 projects all address common needs in modern web applications, including a utility library, a validation framework, a GUI widget framework, a dynamic event calendar application, a drag and drop shopping cart, and more! Coverage details JavaScript best practices, Ajax techniques, and some of the most popular JavaScript libraries, such as Prototype,, and the Yahoo YUI library.
About the Author
Frank W. Zammetti is a web architect specialist for a leading worldwide financial company by day, and a PocketPC and open-source developer by night. He is the founder and chief software architect of Omnytex Technologies, a PocketPC development house.He has over 12 years of "professional" experience in the information technology field, and over 12 more of "amateur" experience. He began his nearly life-long love of computers at age 7, when he became one of four students chosen to take part in his school district's pilot computer program. A year later, he was the only participant left! The first computer Frank owned was a Timex Sinclair 1000 in 1982, on which he wrote a program to look up movie times for all of Long Island (and without the 16k expansion module!). After that, he moved on to a Commodore 64 and spent about 4 years doing nothing but assembly programming (games mostly). He finally got his first IBM-compatible PC in 1987, and began learning the finer points of programming (as they existed at that time!).Frank has primarily developed web-based applications for about 8 years. Before that, he developed Windows-based client/server applications in a variety of languages. Frank holds numerous certifications including SCJP, MCSD, CNA, i-Net+, A+, CIW, MCP, and numerous BrainBench certifications. He is a contributor to a number of open source projects, including DataVision, Struts, PocketFrog, and Jakarta Commons. In addition, Frank has started two projects: Java Web Parts and The Struts Web Services Enablement Project. He also was one of the founding members of a project that created the first fully functioning Commodore 64 emulator for PocketPC devices (PocketHobbit).Frank has authored various articles on topics that range from integrating DataVision into web apps, to using Ajax in Struts-based applications. He is working on a new application framework specifically geared to creating next-generation web applications.