Finding God Through Sex: Awakening the One of Spirit Through the Two of Flesh

David Deida & Kenneth E. Wilber

Language: English

Publisher: Sounds True

Published: May 2, 2005


When it comes to sex, most of us want more. The question is: more of what? According to David Deida, when the depth of intimacy you've been experiencing is no longer fulfilling to your heart and body―when you sense that sexuality should go far beyond an embrace of brief satisfaction―the time has come to explore your unique sexual path to the divine.

In Finding God Through Sex, this brilliant writer and internationally renowned expert on spiritual sexuality presents a revolutionary new way to love―one in which sex literally becomes an erotic act of devotional surrender, "making love, magnifying love, from the boundless depth of your heart through every inch of your body and in merger with your lover."

Through provocative vignettes that illuminate the many moods that color lovemaking, and direct instruction that speaks honestly to the masculine and feminine desires within each of us, Deida brings wisdom gained from 30 years' work with thousands of couples to illustrate the distinct yet complementary avenues men and women can skillfully travel toward untamed passion and sacred unity. What unfolds is an unparalleled road map to the place where we "love as the cosmos loves: One loving itself as an other, yet remembering itself as One."


“We all taste God, taste Goddess, taste pure Spirit in those moments of sexual rapture, and wise men and women have always used that rapture to reveal Spirit's innermost secrets. David Deida is such a wise one.” ―From the Foreword by Ken Wilber, author of Sex, Ecology, Spirituality

“David Deida is the one Western teacher of Tantra whose books I read and to whom I send students to learn from.” ―Lama Surya Das, author of Awakening the Buddha Within

“David Deida's vision of interdependence between the sexes is spiritually profound and psychologically astute. His message, delivered in provocative and compelling prose, has the power to transform intimate relationships into a sublime adventure, a journey to the farthest reaches of human experience.” ―Miranda Shaw, Ph.D., author of Passionate Enlightenment

“David Deida's work reveals a depth of loving the human condition and understanding its immanent spirituality I've seldom seen, even in a glimmer. It's hard for me to find words with which to express my appreciation and admiration for this unique gift. In piercingly beautiful, yet fully human examples, Finding God Through Sex shows how enlightenment can blossom through passion and connection with the beloved.” ―y Wade, Ph.D., author of Transcendent Sex

About the Author

David Deida
Acknowledged as one of the most insightful and provocative teachers of our time, bestselling author David Deida continues to revolutionize the way that men and women grow spiritually and sexually. His ten books are published in more than twenty-five languages worldwide and are required reading in university, church, and spiritual center courses. His workshops on a radically practical spirituality have been hailed as among the most original and authentic contributions to the field of self-development currently available. Deida is included in The Watkins Review Spiritual 100 List, designating the most spiritually influential people worldwide. He is a founding member of Integral Institute, and has taught and conducted research at the University of California-San Diego School of Medicine, University of California-Santa Cruz, San Jose State University, Lexington Institute in Boston, and Ecole Polytechnique in Paris, France. Some of his recent books include Blue Truth , The Enlightened Sex Manual , and the 20th Anniversary Edition of the international bestseller, The Way of the Superior Man.

Ken Wilber
Ken Wilber is one of the most influential and widely read American philosophers of our time. His writing has been translated into more than 20 languages. Ken Wilber is the author of many books, including The Spectrum of Consciousness; The Eye of Spirit; Grace and Grit; Sex, Ecology, Spirituality; A Brief History of Everything; Boomeritis; and The Marriage of Sense and Soul. Ken Wilber lives in Denver, Colorado.