Lead Yourself to Success: Ordinary People Achieving Extraordinary Results Through Self-Leadership

Alan Chambers

Language: English

Publisher: Capstone

Published: Jan 4, 2019


Let your lifelong adventure begin today

Lead Yourself to Success is your personal guidebook to greatness. Alan Chambers has led many expeditions to the North and South poles but you don't have to lead a national team or a multinational corporation to be successful, as long as you can lead yourself. The desire to learn is human nature, and lessons from those who have been where you want to go are extraordinary opportunities. You gain the insight and guidance you need to get there, and learn how to lead your own expedition down the path to success.

Like any adventure, good preparation is key. You don't take off for the North pole on a whim, and you don't just leap into leadership without understanding the responsibilities it entails. This book shows you how to develop the leadership mindset to get wherever you want to go in life, trust your own judgement and come out on top of the world.

  • Uncover your inner leadership potential
  • Learn how others succeed
  • Find the adventure in everyday life
  • Lead yourself on an expedition to greatness

Alan helps thousands of people every year unlock the door to higher performance. Every single one of those people was a leader waiting to happen, even if they didn't know it – but once they truly realised where their potential could take them, they became unstoppable. Let yourself become unstoppable with Lead Yourself to Success.

From the Inside Flap

All too often, talented, intelligent and sometimes experienced managers lack a practical skillset for supervising and inspiring their workforce. Lead Yourself to Success is your personal road map for finding your way to your own leadership potential in order to guide others to theirs.

Alan Chambers is a masterful guide in the frontier wilderness as well as in the boardroom. He believes every one of us is capable of becoming a respected leader, and in this convenient resource, he gives you everything you need to realise your strength and be unstoppable, including:

  • Step-by-step guidance to developing a tactical mindset used at the highest ranks of leadership
  • Strategies for informed decision making proven under the toughest conditions
  • In-depth case studies illustrating key takeaways working in the real world

No matter what you do or where you go in life, preparation is the cornerstone to effectively achieve your goals and your groundwork starts with Lead Yourself to Success.

From the Back Cover


Leading an unsupported team on foot from Canada to the North Pole takes highly-unified precision in difficult conditions. The same type of extraordinary leadership skills can lead every type of team through adversity to their uppermost goals. What's the secret?


In this thrilling guidebook, polar explorer, adventurer and veteran of the Royal Marines, Alan Chambers, explains and demonstrates a powerful set of practical skills for achieving success through courage, determination, unselfishness and humour in the face of adversity. Lead Yourself to Success gives you the keys to:

  • Develop high-level leadership skills
  • Understand the psychology of accomplishment
  • Live successfully by turning everyday tasks into adventures
  • Lead yourself to the top spot on the team

You're the only one who can realise your full potential and bring out the best in your team so get started on your unstoppable adventure to great achievements with Lead Yourself to Success.

About the Author

Alan Chambers is an internationally-recognised motivational speaker. Alan is a polar explorer and adventurer, who led the first successful British team to walk unsupported from Canada to the Geographical North Pole. He has since led many expeditions to both the South and North Poles, and incorporates themes such as motivating, leading, inspiring, and developing winning beliefs and behaviours, into all of his expeditions and everything he does.