Building Large Knowledge-Based Systems: Representation and Inference in the Cyc Project

Douglas B. Lenat & R. V. Guha

Language: English

Published: Oct 14, 1989


Chapter one presents the Cyc "philosophy" or paradigm. Chapter 2 presents a global overview of Cyc, including its representation language, the ontology f its knowledge base, and teh environment which it functions. Chapter 3 goes into much more detail on the representation language, including the structure and function of Cyc's metalevel agenda mechanism. Chapter 4 presents heuristics for ontological engineering, the pricnples upon whcihc Cyc's ontology is based. Chapter 5 the provides a glimpse into the global ontology of knowledge. Chapter 6 explains how we "solve" (i.e., adequately handle) the various tough representation thorns (substances, time, space, structures, composite mental/physical objects, beliefs, uncertainty, etc. ). Chapter 7 surveys the mistakes that new knowledge tnereres most often commit. Chapter 8, the concluding chapter, includes a brief status report on the project, and a statement of goals and a timetable for the coming five years.