Topics: Should Christians be socialists, and was C.S. Lewis a socialist? // Mere Christianity‘s themes // Liberal-libertarian principles — free-market economics and property rights, competence to run your own life, self-responsibility, self-respect and dignity for all, universalism and equal liberty for all, self-ownership — and Lewis’s views on them // An unresolved tension in Lewis’s thinking.
Topics: Should Christians be socialists, and was C.S. Lewis a socialist? // Mere Christianity‘s themes // Liberal-libertarian principles — free-market economics and property rights, competence to run your own life, self-responsibility, self-respect and dignity for all, universalism and equal liberty for all, self-ownership — and Lewis’s views on them // An unresolved tension in Lewis’s thinking.
Transcription: Available at my thinkspot page.
The complete series of Open College with Stephen Hicks podcasts.