The Philosophy of Marx
Etienne Balibar
Is Theology a Science?: The Nature of the Scientific Enterprise ...
David Munchin
British Marxism and Cultural Studies: Essays on a Living Tradition
Philip Bounds & David Berry
The Underground History of American Education
John Taylor Gatto
Infancy and Epistemology
George Butterworth
The Ultimate Proof of Creation: Resolving the Origins Debate
Jason Lisle
The World and the West
Arnold Toynbee
Transformations and Projections in Computer Graphics
David Salomon
Tricks of the Imagination
Robert E. Neale
Tree Models of Similarity and Association
James E. Corter
Turkey: A Past and a Future
Arnold Joseph Toynbee
War and civilization
Unregulated Banking Chaos or Order
Forrest Capie & Geoffrey E. Wood
Usage-Based Approaches to Language Change
Evie Couss
The Universal Mandelbrot Set: Beginning of the Story
V. Dolotin & A. Morozov
Visual and Other Pleasures
Laura Mulvey
Surrendering Islam
Livingstone, David
Some Philosophy of the Hermetics
David Patterson Hatch
Spiritual Laws That Govern Humanity and the Universe (Rosicrucian ...
Lonnie C. Edwards
Spirituality and Hermetics
Frank Mildenberger
Sex in Antiquity: Exploring Gender and Sexuality in the Ancient ...
Mark Masterson & Nancy Sorkin Rabinowitz & James Robson
Seven Hermetic Letters
Georg Lomer
Serpent of Wisdom: And Other Essays on Western Occultism
Donald Tyson
Selling Sex in the Reich: Prostitutes in German Society, 1914-1945
Victoria Harris
Sane Occultism
Dion Fortune