Complex predicates are multipredicational, but monoclausal structures.
They have proven problematic for linguistic theory, particularly for proposed distinctions between the lexicon, morphology, and syntax.
This volume focuses on the mapping from morphosyntactic structures to event structure, and in particular the constraints on possible mappings.
The volume showcases the 'coverb construction', a complex predicate construction which, though widespread, has received little attention in the literature.
The coverb construction contrasts with more familiar serial verb constructions. The coverb construction generally maps only to event structures like those of monomorphemic verbs, whereas serial verb constructions map to a range of event structures differing from those of monomorphemic verbs.
The volume coverage is truly cross-linguistic, including languages from Australia, Papua New Guinea, Southeast Asia, the Indian subcontinent, East Africa and North America.
The volume establishes a new arena of research in event structure, syntax, and cross-linguistic typology.
Complex predicates are multipredicational, but monoclausal structures.
They have proven problematic for linguistic theory, particularly for proposed distinctions between the lexicon, morphology, and syntax.
This volume focuses on the mapping from morphosyntactic structures to event structure, and in particular the constraints on possible mappings.
The volume showcases the 'coverb construction', a complex predicate construction which, though widespread, has received little attention in the literature.
The coverb construction contrasts with more familiar serial verb constructions. The coverb construction generally maps only to event structures like those of monomorphemic verbs, whereas serial verb constructions map to a range of event structures differing from those of monomorphemic verbs.
The volume coverage is truly cross-linguistic, including languages from Australia, Papua New Guinea, Southeast Asia, the Indian subcontinent, East Africa and North America.
The volume establishes a new arena of research in event structure, syntax, and cross-linguistic typology.