USA 53 - The Truth about Eisenhower
Derek Kartun
Comic Tragedies Written by 'Jo' and 'Meg' and Acted by The 'Little ...
Louisa May Alcott
Evolutionary Explanations of Human Behaviour
John Cartwright
Knowledge Graphs and Big Data Processing
Valentina Janev
Empires of the Word: A Language History of the World
Nicholas Ostler
Free Women, Free Men: Sex, Gender, Feminism
Camille Paglia
Fragments: The Collected Wisdom of Heraclitus
Heraclitus & Brooks Haxton & James Hillman
Basics of Virtual Reality: From the Discovery of Perspective ...
Armin Grasnick
Reality Media: Augmented and Virtual Reality
Jay David Bolter & Maria Engberg & Blair MacIntyre
Psychotherapy of Psychosis
Chris Mace & Frank Margison
Madness Explained
Richard P. Bental
A Language for Psychosis: Psychoanalysis of Psychotic States
Paul Williams
Psychoanalytic Terms and Concepts
Elizabeth L. Auchincloss & Eslee Samberg & American Psychoanalytic Association
The New Dictionary of Kleinian Thought
Elizabeth Bott Spillius & Jane Milton & Penelope Garvey & Cyril Couve & Deborah Steiner
An Elementary Textbook of Psychoanalysis
Charles Brenner
Karen Horney
Our Inner Conflicts: A Constructive Theory of Neurosis
Attention is All you Need - Paper
Ashish Vaswani & Noam Shazeer & Niki Parmar & Jakob Uszkoreit & Llion Jones & Aidan N. Gomez & Łukasz Kaiser & Illia Polosukhin
Teach Yourself VISUALLY Python
Guy Hart-Davis
IoT Service Providers Solution Brief: The Era of Instant Localized ...
Unlocking the Potential of ChatGPT
Maxwell Thimothy
The Great Game: The Myths and Reality of Espionage
Frederick P. Hitz
Inward Bound: Exploring the Geography of Your Emotions
Sam Keen
Mystery Teachings From the Living Earth: An Introduction to ...
John Michael Greer