Grammatical Man: Information, Entropy, Language, and Life
Jeremy Campbell
Natural Language Processing and Information Systems: 21st International ...
Farid Meziane & Elisabeth Métais & Sunil Vadera & Vijayan Sugumaran & Mohamad Saraee
Privacy-Preserving in Edge Computing
Longxiang Gao & Tom H. Luan & Bruce Gu & Youyang Qu & Yong Xiang
Addendum to the MATHEMATICA Book: A Guide to the New Functions ...
Cliff Hastings & Kelvin Mischo & Michael Morrison
Antic Hay
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Essential Linux Commands: 100 Linux Commands Every System Administrator ...
Paul Olushile
Espionage, Statecraft, and the Theory of Reporting
Nicholas Rescher
Escape on the Pearl: The Heroic Bid for Freedom on the Underground ...
Mary Kay Ricks
Antifragile: Things That Gain From Disorder
Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Incerto (3)
A Metaphysics of Language
Brice Parain
A Book of Discovery (Yesterday's Classics)
M. B. Synge
A Beautiful Math: John Nash, Game Theory, and the Modern Quest ...
Tom Siegfried
The Value of Knowledge and the Pursuit of Understanding
Jonathan L. Kvanvig
Village of Ben Suc
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The Military Half
The Jonathan Schell Reader: On the United States at War, the ...
The Fate of the Earth and the Abolition
The Abolition
On Revolution
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Zetetic Scholar: An Independent Scientific Review of Claims ...
Marcello Truzzi
Philosophy of Natural Science
Carl Gustav Hempel
Voyages With John: Charting the Fourth Gospel
Robert Kysar
50 Economics Classics
Tom Butler-Bowdon
50 Philosophy Classics
Think and Grow Rich!: The Original Version, Restored and Revised™
Napoleon Hill