Between Kant and Hegel: Lectures on German Idealism
Dieter Henrich & David S. Pacini
A Companion to Linguistic Anthropology
Alessandro Duranti
The Utopia of Rules: On Technology, Stupidity, and the Secret ...
David Graeber
(Quasi)periodic Solutions in (In)finite Dimensional Hamiltonian ...
Luca Biasco & Enrico Valdinoci
Progress And Poverty - The Remedy - 1879
Henry S. George
Analytic Philosophy: The History of an Illusion
Aaron Preston
Ancient Philosophy:A New History of Western Philosophy, Volume ...
Anthony Kenny
Ancient Philosophy of Religion: The History of Western Philosophy ...
Graham Oppy & Nick N. Trakakis
Analytic Theology: New Essays in the Philosophy of Theology
Oliver D. Crisp & Michael C. Rea
Analytic Philosophy and History of Philosophy
Tom Sorell & Graham Alan John Rogers
An Introductory Philosophy of Medicine: Humanizing Modern Medicine
James A. Marcum
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind
E. Jonathan Lowe
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion
Michael J. Murray & Michael C. Rea
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Time and Space
Bas C. van Fraassen
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Law
Roscoe Pound & Marshall. L Derosa
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Mathematics
Mark Colyvan
Keith Maslin
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Physics: Locality, Fields, ...
Marc Lange
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Psychology
Fred Adams & Daniel Weiskopf & Kenneth Aizawa
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Language
Michael Morris
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Art
Richard Eldridge
Renewing Philosophy
Gary Banham
Alfred Tarski: Philosophy of Language and Logic
Douglas Patterson & Michael Beaney
Alchemy Deciphered: Statistically Significant Evidence Identifying ...
Alasdair Forsythe
Abduction in Logic, Philosophy of Science & Artical Intelligence
Atocha Aliseda-Llera