Pro Cryptography and Cryptanalysis
Stefania Loredana Nita & Marius Iulian Mihailescu
Empirical Methods in Natural Language Generation: Data-Oriented ...
Emiel Krahmer & Mariet Theune
Lecture notes in artificial intelligence (5790)
Philosophical Papers: Volume 2, Philosophy and the Human Sciences
Charles Taylor
Light of the Soul
Alice A. Bailey
Dive Into Deep Learning: Release 0.14.2
Alexander J. Smola & Aston Zhang & Zachary C. Lipton & Mu Li
French Philosophy of Technology: Classical Readings and Contemporary ...
Sacha Loeve & Xavier Guchet & Bernadette Bensaude Vincent
French Philosophy Today: New Figures of the Human in Badiou, ...
Christopher Watkin
Wittgenstein's Philosophy of Mathematics
Pasquale Frascolla
French Philosophy of the Sixties: An Essay on Antihumanism
Luc Ferry & Alain Renaut
Language and Learning: Philosophy of Language in the Hellenistic ...
Dorothea Frede & Brad Inwood
Francis Bacon's "Inquiry Touching Human Nature": Virtue, Philosophy, ...
Svetozar Minkov
Force, Drive, Desire: A Philosophy of Psychoanalysis
Rudolf Bernet
Form and Transformation: A Study in the Philosophy of Plotinus
Frederic Maxwell Schroeder
Foundherentism in the Philosophy of Susan Haack
Joseph Abbah
First Outline of a System of the Philosophy of Nature
F. W. J. Schelling
Feminist History of Philosophy: The Recovery and Evaluation ...
Eileen O’neill & Marcy P. Lascano
Faith and Reason: The Philosophy of Religion
Peter J. Kreeft
What kind of logic is 'Independence Friendly' logic? - Paper
Solomon Feferman
Mathematics: Mechanics and Probability
Linda Bostock & Suzanne Chandler
Leon Trotsky
A Survey of Metaphysics
E. Jonathan Lowe
Space, Time, Matter, and Form: Essays on Aristotle's Physics
David Bostock
Philosophy of mind
Hegel's Philosophy of Nature: Being Part Two of the Encyclopedia ...
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel & Arnold V. Miller
Hagakure - Book of the Samurai - Paper
William Scott Wilson