Data Mining: The Textbook - Solutions Manual
Charu C. Aggarwal
Individual and Community in Nietzsche's Philosophy
Julian Young
Children of the Storm
Dean Koontz
Geographies of Science
David Livingstone & Peter Meusburger & Heike Jöns
Knowledge and Space (3)
The Cognitive Science of Science: Explanation, Discovery, and ...
Paul Thagard & Scott Findlay
The Secret Life of Words: How English Became English
Henry Hitchings
The Compassionate Mind: A New Approach to Life's Challenges
Paul Gilbert
The Dictionary of Lost Words
Pip Williams
The Politically Incorrect Guide to Communism
Paul Kengor
The Optimism Bias: A Tour of the Irrationally Positive Brain
Tali Sharot
The Origin of (Almost) Everything
Graham Lawton & Stephen Hawking
The Fantasies of Robert A. Heinlein
Robert A. Heinlein
The History of Rome: The Republic
Mike Duncan
The Oxford Essential Guide to Writing
Thomas S. Kane
Three Philosophical Poets
George Santayana
Verhandeln mit dem Teufel - Das Harvard-Konzept fuer die fiesen ...
Robert H Mnookin
Wagner and Philosophy
Bryan Magee
Der Preis der Ungleichheit : wie die Spaltung der Gesellschaft ...
Joseph E. Stiglitz
What Is Scientific Knowledge?: An Introduction to Contemporary ...
Kevin McCain & Kostas Kampourakis
What Is Epistemology?
Stephen Hetherington
Why the West Rules - for Now: The Patterns of History and What ...
Ian Morris
Wem gehört die Zukunft?: Du bist nicht der Kunde der Internetkonzerne. ...
Jaron Lanier
Why Men Fight
Bertrand Russell
Watching the English: The International Bestseller Revised and ...
Kate Fox
Warum ein Leben ohne Goethe sinnlos ist
Stefan Bollmann