The Oxford Handbook of Human Resource Management
Peter F. Boxall & John Purcell & Patrick M. Wright
Translation and Translanguaging
Mike Baynham & Tong-King Lee
Emotion and Cause: Linguistic Theory and Computational Implementation
Sophia Yat Mei Lee
A Soul Remembers Hiroshima
Dolores Cannon
Friedrich Nietzsche: A Life from Beginning to End
Hourly History
30 Rock and Philosophy: We Want to Go to There
William Irwin
Rowland Stout
Alice in Wonderland and Philosophy: Curiouser and Curiouser
William Irwin & Richard Brian Davis
Anaximander and the Architects: The Contributions of Egyptian ...
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Ancient Philosophy, Mystery, and Magic: Empedocles and Pythagorean ...
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Ancient Philosophy: A Contemporary Introduction
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Aristotle and the Philosophy of Friendship
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Aristotle for Everybody
Mortimer Jerome Adler
Aristotle's Ethics and Medieval Philosophy: Moral Goodness and ...
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Aristotle's Philosophy Of Mathematics
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Aristotle's philosophy of soul - Essay
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Basic Concepts of Ancient Philosophy
Martin Heidegger
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Body and Soul in Ancient Philosophy
Gesellschaft Für Antike Philosophie. Kongress & Dorothea Frede & Burkhard Reis
The British National Bibliography
Arthur James Wells
The Cambridge Companion to Aristotle
Jonathan Barnes