Philosophy of Life and Other Essays
B. J. Gupta
"Don't You Know Who I Am?"
Ramani Durvasula
Explainable Edge AI: A Futuristic Computing Perspective
Aboul Ella Hassanien & Deepak Gupta & Anuj Kumar Singh & Ankit Garg
Studies in Computational Intelligence (1072)
Beyond the Blue Event Horizon
Frederik Pohl
Heechee Saga (2)
Redeeming Mathematics: A God-Centered Approach
Vern S. Poythress
Teaching and Learning Pragmatics: Where Language and Culture ...
Noriko Ishihara & Andrew D. Cohen
Vagueness and Language Use
Paul Egre & Paul Gr & Nathan Klinedinst
Watching My Language: Adventures in the World Trade
William Safire