The Symbolism of the Tarot
Peter D. Ouspensky
How Philosophy Works
Dk Pub
The Kubernetes Operator Framework Book: Overcome Complex Kubernetes ...
Michael Dame
Modality and Tense: Philosophical Papers
Kit Fine
Protesting Power: War, Resistance, and Law
Francis Anthony Boyle
The Pythagorean Sourcebook and Library: An Anthology of Ancient ...
Kenneth Sylvan Guthrie & David R. Fideler
Queens,Consorts, Concubines: Gregory of Tours and Women of the ...
E. T. Dailey
Rationality in Greek Thought
Michael Frede & Gisela Striker
Reading Seneca: Stoic Philosophy at Rome
Brad Inwood
Reason and Religion in Socratic Philosophy
Nicholas D. Smith & Paul Woodruff
Reason's Grief: An Essay on Tragedy and Value
George W. Harris
Remembering the Crusades: Myth, Image, and Identity
Nicholas Paul & Suzanne Yeager
The Renewal of Pagan Antiquity: Contributions to the Cultural ...
Aby Warburg
The Roman Guide to Slave Management: A Treatise by Nobleman ...
Jerry Toner
Rome and Jerusalem
Martin Goodman
Routledge Companion to Ancient Philosophy
Frisbee Sheffield
Saints' Lives and the Rhetoric of Gender: Male and Female in ...
John Kitchen
Sappho: A New Translation of the Complete Works
Scientific Method in Ptolemy's Harmonics
Andrew Barker
Selected Works
Seneca and the Idea of Tragedy
Gregory A. Staley
Shakespeare Beyond Doubt: Evidence, Argument, Controversy
Paul Edmondson & Stanley Wells
A Short History of Myth
Karen Armstrong
Socrates and the Socratic Dialogue
Alessandro Stavru & Christopher Moore
Socrates to Sartre and Beyond: A History of Philosophy
Samuel Enoch Stumpf & James Fieser