Christendom Destroyed: Europe 1517-1648
Mark Greengrass
Virtual Futures: Cyberotics, Technology and Posthuman Pragmatism
Joan Broadhurst Dixon & Eric J. Cassidy
Cloud Data Centers and Cost Modeling: A Complete Guide To Planning, ...
Rajkumar Buyya & Caesar Wu
The Sagan Conspiracy: NASA's Untold Plot to Suppress the People's ...
Donald Zygutis
Learning SPARQL: Querying and Updating With SPARQL 1.1
Bob Ducharme
The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Utilitarianism
James E. Crimmins
Themes From Early Analytic Philosophy: Essays in Honour of Wolfgang ...
Benjamin Schnieder & Moritz Schulz
What is Wrong with Us?
Coombes, Eric; Dalrymple, Theodore; & Theodore Dalrymple