The Language of Propositions and Events
Alessandro Zucchi
Scrum Project Management
Kim H. Pries & Jon M. Quigley
Lean Management: Einführung und Vertiefung in die japanische ...
Frank Bertagnolli
Optical Computing
F.a.p Tooley & B.s Wherrett
The Pleasures of Babel: Contemporary American Literature and ...
Jay Clayton
Morphology and Language History: In Honour of Harold Koch
Claire Bowern & Bethwyn Evans & Luisa Miceli
Morphology and Lexical Semantics
Rochelle Lieber
Morphology and Meaning: Selected Papers From the 15th International ...
Franz Rainer & Francesco Gardani & Wolfgang U. Dressler & Hans Christian Luschützky
Franz Rainer & Francesco Gardani & Hans Christian Luschützky & Wolfgang U. Dressler
The Morphology and Phonology of Exponence
Jochen Trommer
Morphology by Itself: Stems and Inflectional Classes
Mark Aronoff
Morphology in English: Word Formation in Cognitive Grammar
Zeki Hamawand
The Morphology of Chinese: A Linguistic and Cognitive Approach
Jerome L. Packard
The Morphology of English Dialects: Verb-Formation in Non-Standard ...
Lieselotte Anderwald
Morphology, Phonology, and Aphasia
Jean-Luc Nespoulous & Pierre Villiard
Morphology: A Study of the Relation Between Meaning and Form
Joan L. Bybee
Morphology: Word Structure in Generative Grammar
John Thayer Jensen
Mother Tongue
Bill Bryson
Motivation, Language Attitudes and Globalisation: A Hungarian ...
Zoltan Dornyei & Kata Csizer & Na3ra Na(c)meth
Motivation, Language Identity and the L2 Self
Zoltán Dörnyei & Ema Ushioda