History and Historiography of Linguistics: Papers From the Fourth ...
Hans-Josef Niederehe & Konrad Koerner
Foreign Affairs
Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy - Volume 39
Brad Inwood
Hands-On Data Analysis with Pandas 2019
Stefanie Molin
Nietzsche's Zarathustra: Notes of the Seminar Given in 1934-1939
Carl Gustav Jung
Immersive 3D Design Visualization
Abhishek Kumar
Interactive Web-Based Data Visualization with R, Plotly, and ...
Carson Sievert
Chapman & Hall/CRC The R Series (1)
Introduction to Blender 3.0
Gianpiero Moioli
Introduction to Data Science
Petia Radeva & Oriol Pujol & Jordi Vitrià & Sergio Escalera & Santi Seguí & Francesc Dantí & Laura Igual & Lluís Garrido & Eloi Puertas
Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science (1)
An Introduction to Statistics With Python
Thomas Haslwanter
Statistics and Computing (1)
Learn Python Visually
Tristan Bunn
Learning Proxmox VE
Rik Goldman
Mastering Pandas for Finance
Michael Heydt
Mastering Python Forensics
Dr. Michael Spreitzenbarth & Dr. Johann Uhrmann
Mathematical Foundations of Image Processing and Analysis - ...
Jean-Charles Pinoli
Mathematical Morphology and Its Applications to Signal and Image ...
Isabelle Bloch, Alain Bretto & Aurélie Leborgne
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (11564)
Mathematica® Cookbook
Sal Mangano
Cookbook (1)
Mathematica® Data Visualization
Nazmus Saquib
Mathematics for Computer Graphics
John Vince
Microsoft Excel 365 Bible
Michael Alexander & Dick Kusleika
Bible (1)
Monolith to Microservices
Sam Newman
Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision
Richard Hartley & Andrew Zisserman
Network Hacks - Intensivkurs
Bastian Ballmann
NumPy Beginner's Guide (Second Edition)
Ivan Idris