Jazz Guitar Licks: 25 Licks From the Major Scale & Its Modes
Gareth Evans
Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Volume 6: Psychological Types
C. G. Jung
Reframing: Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the Transformation ...
Richard Bandler & John Grinder
The Timeline Book of Science
George Ochoa & Melinda Corey
Ishmael: A Novel
Daniel Quinn
Spring Microservices in Action, Second Edition
John Carnell & Illary Huaylupo Sánchez
Typescript Quickly
Yakov Fain & Anton Moiseev
The Unified Modeling Language Reference Manual
James Rumbaugh & Ivar Jacobson & Grady Booch
Unity in Action, Third Edition: Multiplatform Game Development ...
Joseph Hocking