Transforming Our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Developmen
United Nations
Russia Under the Bolshevik Regime
Richard Pipes
Radical Son: A Generational Oddysey
David Horowitz
Sonia Cristofaro
The Theory of Finite Groups: An Introduction
Hans Kurzweil & Bernd Stellmacher
A Guide to Ship Repair Estimates in Man Hours
Don Butler
Marine Auxiliary Machinery
H. D. McGeorge
Marine Rudders and Control Surfaces: Principles, Data, Design ...
Anthony F. Molland & Stephen R. Turnock
Radar and ARPA Manual
Alan G. Bole & Bill Dineley & Alan Wall & W. O. Dineley
Seamanship Techniques: For Shipboard & Maritime Operations
D. J. House