A First Course in Fuzzy Logic
Hung T. Nguyen & Carol L. Walker & Elbert A. Walker
Textbooks in Mathematics (1)
Interpersonal Adaptation: Dyadic Interaction Patterns
Judee K. Burgoon & Lesa A. Stern & Leesa Dillman
First and Second Language Acquisition: Parallels and Differences
Jürgen M. Meisel
Perspectives on Linguistic Structure and Context: Studies in ...
Stacey Katz Bourns & Lindsy L. Myers
Das Anglo-Amerikanische Establishment: Die Geschichte einer ...
Carroll Quigley
Integrated History and Philosophy of Science: Problems, Perspectives, ...
Friedrich Stadler
Knowledge and Language: Volume III Metaphor and Knowledge
F. R. Ankersmit & J. J. A. Mooij
Konsequenter Empirismus: Die Entwicklung von Moritz Schlicks ...
Johannes Friedl
Language, Power, and Pedagogy: Bilingual Children in the Crossfire
Jim Cummins
Laws and Lawmakers:Science, Metaphysics, and the Laws of Nature: ...
Marc Lange
Laws of Nature
Peter Mittelstaedt & Paul A. Weingartner
Leibniz on Time, Space, and Relativity
Richard T. W. Arthur
The Logic in Philosophy of Science
Hans Halvorson
Machine Dreams: Economics Becomes a Cyborg Science
Philip Mirowski
Making Sense of AI: Our Algorithmic World
Anthony Elliott
Making Things Happen: A Theory of Causal Explanation
James Woodward
Mathematical Knowledge and the Interplay of Practices
José Ferreirós
Mathematics, Models, and Modality: Selected Philosophical Essays
John P. Burgess
Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the ...
Naomi Oreskes & Erik M. Conway
Mind, Matter, and Method
Paul Feyerabend & Grover Maxwell
Mindware: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Cognitive Science
Andy Clark
Money: Vintage Minis
Yuval Noah Harari
Monkey Trouble: The Scandal of Posthumanism
Christopher Peterson
Multiverse Theories: A Philosophical Perspective
Simon Friederich