King Solomon's Ring
Konrad Lorenz & Julian Huxley
Lost Capital of Byzantium: The History of Mistra and the Peloponnese
Steven Runciman
The Oxford Handbook of the Philosophy of Perception
Mohan Matthen
The Odyssey
Homer & Robert Fagles & Bernard M.W. Knox
Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting Bible
Richard Blum & Christine Bresnahan
Tragedy, the Greeks, and Us
Simon Critchley
A tree grows in Brooklyn
Betty Smith
The Trial
Franz Kafka
Uncanny Modernity: Cultural Theories, Modern Anxieties
Jo Collins & John Jervis
Utopia Deferred: Writings From Utopie (1967-1978)
Jean Baudrillard
The Verge of Philosophy
John Sallis & Professor Frederick J Adelmann S J Chair John Sallis
Weird Realism: Lovecraft and Philosophy
Graham Harman
Why Honor Matters
Tamler Sommers
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
L. Frank Baum
Oz series (1)
¿Qué es la política?
Hannah Arendt