Encyclopedia of Historic Places
Courtlandt Canby
Hybrid Quantum Metaheuristics; Theory and Applications
Siddhartha Bhattacharyya & Mario Köppen & Elizabeth Behrman & Ivan Cruz-Aceves
Ivan Illich
Contemporary Debates in Moral Theory
James Dreier
The Great Pyramid Decoded
E. Raymond Capt
Language and Globalization
Norman Fairclough
Language and Identity: An Introduction
John Edwards
Language and Identity: Discourse in the World
David Evans
Language and Identity: National, Ethnic, Religious
John E. Joseph
Language and Linguistics: The Key Concepts
Robert Lawrence Trask
Language and Literary Structure: The Linguistic Analysis of ...
Nigel Fabb
Language and Memory: Aspects of Knowledge Representation
Hanna Pishwa
Language and Mind
Noam Chomsky
Language and Myth
Ernst Cassirer & Ernst Alfred Cassirer
Language and National Identity in Asia
Andrew Simpson
Language and Number: The Emergence of a Cognitive System
James R. Hurford
Language and Power
Language and Problems of Knowledge: The Managua Lectures
Language and Recursion
Francis Lowenthal & Laurent Lefebvre
Language and Social Identity
John J. Gumperz & Paul Drew & Marjorie Harness Goodwin
Language and Society: Volume 10
M. A. K. Halliday
Language and Superdiversity
Jan Blommaert & Ben Rampton & Karel Arnaut & Massimiliano Spotti