Ubiquitous Computing
Eduard Babkin
Historical Essays on Meteorology, 1919–1995: The Diamond Anniversary ...
James Rodger Fleming
Principles of Physiological Psychology
Wilhelm Max Wundt
Problems on Partial Differential Equations
Maciej Borodzik & Paweł Goldstein & Piotr Rybka & Anna Zatorska-Goldstein
Problem Books in Mathematics (1)
Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches
William Lawrence Neuman
Uncanny Modernity: Cultural Theories, Modern Anxieties
Jo Collins & John Jervis
Understanding Cultures Through Their Key Words: English, Russian, ...
Anna Wierzbicka
UNESCO, Cultural Heritage, and Outstanding Universal Value: ...
Sophia Labadi
Unexceptional Politics: On Obstruction, Impasse, and the Impolitic
Emily S. Apter
Victorian Glassworlds: Glass Culture and the Imagination 1830-1880
Isobel Armstrong
The Vigilant Citizen: Everyday Policing and Insecurity in Miami
Thijs Jeursen
The Web of Meaning: Integrating Science and Traditional Wisdom
Jeremy Lent
World War I and Propaganda
Troy R. E. Paddock
You Are Not a Gadget: A Manifesto
Jaron Lanier
You Are What You Speak: Grammar Grouches, Language Laws, and ...
Robert Lane Greene