Fool's Errand
Robin Hobb
The Tawny Man Trilogy (1)
Building a REST API with Spring 4
Applications of Fractional Calculus in Physics
Rudolf Hilfer
Epistemic Evaluation: Purposeful Epistemology
John Greco & David K. Henderson
React 17 Design Patterns and Best Practices
Carlos Santana Roldán
Secularity and Science: What Scientists Around the World Really ...
Elaine Howard Ecklund & David R. Johnson & Brandon Vaidyanathan & Kirstin R. W. Matthews & Steven W. Lewis & Robert A. Thomson, Jr. & Di Di
Seeing Race Again: Countering Colorblindness Across the Disciplines
Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw
Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw & Luke Charles Harris & Daniel Martinez Hosang & George Lipsitz
Segmented Worlds and Self: Group Life and Individual Consciousness
Yi-Fu Tuan
The Selfish Meme: A Critical Reassessment
Kate Distin
The Sense of Decadence in Nineteenth-Century France
Koenraad W. Swart
Severus of Antioch
Pauline Allen & Robert Hayward
Sex, Art, and American Culture: Essays
Camille Paglia
Sex, Drugs, and Body Counts: The Politics of Numbers in Global ...
Peter Andreas & Kelly M. Greenhill
She: Understanding Feminine Psychology
Robert A. Johnson
The Shield of Silence
Lauren Stiller Rikleen
The Shifting Ground of Globalization: Labor and Mineral Extraction ...
Thiago Aguiar
A Short History of Myth
Karen Armstrong
The Silent Language
Edward Twitchell Hall
Sinclair ZX Spectrum: Programmieren leichtgemacht
Ian Nicholas Stewart & Robin Jones
The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology
Ray Kurzweil
Slavery in the United States: A Social, Political, and Historical ...
Junius P. Rodriguez
Social Change: Globalization From the Stone Age to the Present
Christopher Chase-Dunn & Bruce Lerro
Social Justice
Matthew Clayton & Andrew Williams
Social Network Analysis: Methods and Applications
Stanley Wasserman & Katherine Faust