The Quran and the Secular Mind: A Philosophy of Islam
Shabbir Akhtar
Dissociations Between Argument Structure & Grammatical Relations ...
Christopher Manning & Ivan Sag
Who Sings the Nation-State?: Language, Politics, Belonging
Judith P. Butler, Spivak Gayatri Chakravorty
Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality: Myths and Realities
Bruno Arnaldi & Pascal Guitton & Guillaume Moreau
Jung on Christianity
C. G. Jung
Beginning Azure IoT Edge Computing: Extending the Cloud to the ...
David Jensen
Natural Language Processing: The PLNLP Approach
Karen Jensen & George E. Heidorn & Stephen D. Richardson
Industrial Internet of Things: Cybermanufacturing Systems
Sabina Jeschke & Christian Brecher & Houbing Song & Danda B. Rawat
UML 2002 - the Unified Modeling Language: Model Engineering, ...
Jean-Marc Jezequel & Heinrich Hussman & Stephen Cook
MDATA: A New Knowledge Representation Model: Theory, Methods ...
Yan Jia & Zhaoquan Gu & Aiping Li
Machine Learning Fundamentals: A Concise Introduction
Hui Jiang
Models for Cooperative Games with Fuzzy Relations Among the ...
Andrés Jiménez-Losada
Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing (355)
Designing Web APIs: Building APIs That Developers Love
Brenda Jin & Saurabh Sahni & Amir Shevat
Shell Scripting Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach
Chris Johnson
Chris F. A. Johnson
A Concise Introduction to Programming in Python
Mark J. Johnson
Chapman & Hall/CRC Textbooks in Computing (1)
Advanced Platform Development With Kubernetes
Craig Johnston
Hands-On Data Visualization With Bokeh
Kevin Jolly
SQL Functions Programmer's Reference
Arie Jones & Ryan K. Stephens & Ronald R. Plew & Robert F. Garrett & Alex Kriegel
Python and XML
Christopher A. Jones & Fred L. Drake
Python & XML
Christopher A. Jones & Fred L. Drake Jr
Evaluating Natural Language Processing Systems: An Analysis ...
Karen Sparck Jones & Julia R. Galliers