Pro REST API Development With Node.js
Fernando Doglio
Die Philosophie des Tragischen: Schopenhauer – Schelling – Nietzsche
Lore Hühn & Philipp Schwab
When Einstein Walked With Gödel: Excursions to the Edge of Thought
Jim Holt
Business Dashboards: A Visual Catalog for Design and Deployment
Nils H. Rasmussen & Manish Bansal & Claire Y. Chen
The End of History and the Last Man
Francis Fukuyama
Civil Rights: Rhetoric or Reality
Thomas Sowell
The Militia and the Right to Arms, Or, How the Second Amendment ...
H. Richard Uviller & William G. Merkel & William G.. Merkel
Carceral Capitalism
Jackie Wang
Semiotext(e) / Intervention Series (21)
Free Speech: A Very Short Introduction
Nigel Warburton
A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State
John W. Whitehead
The Bilderbergers - Puppet-Masters of Power?
Gerhard Wisnewski
The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot
Naomi Wolf
Hate Speech, Sex Speech, Free Speech
Nicholas Wolfson