Corporate Social Responsibility - Mythen Und Maßnahmen
Gisela Burckhardt
Septem sermones ad mortuos
Carl G. Jung
The Verge of Philosophy
John Sallis & Professor Frederick J Adelmann S J Chair John Sallis
Cloud Data Centers and Cost Modeling: A Complete Guide To Planning, ...
Rajkumar Buyya & Caesar Wu
Sociolinguistics: Theoretical Debates
Nikolas Coupland
A New Concept of the Universe
Walter Russell
Pale Blue Dot
Carl Sagan
Science Set Free - 10 Paths to New Discovery
Rupert Sheldrake
God and the Multiverse: Humanity's Expanding View of the Cosmos
Victor J. Stenger
Emergence of the Omniverse: Universe - Multiverse - Omniverse
Alfred Lambremont Webre