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Freedom's Law: The Moral Reading of the American Constitution
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Law as Politics
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Interpreting Modern Political Philosophy: From Machiavelli to ...
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The Oxford Handbook of Civil Society
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Islamic Intellectual History in the Seventeenth Century
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Knowledge Alchemy: Models and Agency in Global Knowledge Governance
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The Oxford Handbook of Political Philosophy
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Philosophy of Law: Collected Essays
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On Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations
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A Conservative History of the American Left
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In the Shadow of Justice: Postwar Liberalism and the Remaking ...
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Contexts of Justice: Political Philosophy Beyond Liberalism ...
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The Oxford Handbook of Political Ideologies
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Arendt: A Guide for the Perplexed
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Identity: The Demand for Dignity and the Politics of Resentment
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Trust: Human Nature and the Reconstitution of Social Order
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