Data Visualization with D3.js Cookbook
Nick Qi Zhu
Person and Object: A Metaphysical Study
Roderick M. Chisholm
Eye to Eye: The Quest for the New Paradigm
Kenneth E. Wilber
Mission Control
Michael Sölter & Hannes S. Griebel & Martina Albrecht
The Komnene Dynasty: Byzantium's Struggle for Survival 1057-1185
John Car
Head First Ajax
Rebecca Riordan
Pro DevOps with Google Cloud Platform: with Docker, Jenkins, ...
Pierluigi Riti
Getting Started with JUCE
Martin Robinson
React 17 Design Patterns and Best Practices - Third Edition: ...
Carlos Santana Roldán
The Python Language Reference Manual
Guido van Rossum & Fred L. Jr. Drake
The Python/C API: Release 3.6.4
Guido van Rossum & Python Development Team
Doing Math With Python: Use Programming to Explore Algebra, ...
Amit Saha
Python Ethical Hacking From Scratch: Think Like an Ethical Hacker, ...
Fahad Ali Sarwar
Building Polyfills: Web Platform APIs for the Present and Future
Brandon Satrom
Black Hat Python, 2nd Edition
Justin Seitz & Tim Arnold
Introduction to 64 Bit Intel Assembly Language Programming for ...
Ray Seyfarth
Metamathematics, Machines and Gödel's Proof
N. Shankar
Kafka: The Definitive Guide: Real-Time Data and Stream Processing ...
Gwen Shapira & Todd Palino & Rajini Sivaram & Krit Petty
Web Animation Using JavaScript: Develop and Design
Julian Shapiro
Beginning Java 8 APIs, Extensions and Libraries: Swing, JavaFX, ...
Kishori Sharan
Selenium with Python - A Beginner’s Guide
Pallavi R Sharma
Learn Python 3 The Hard Way: A Very Simple Introduction to the ...
Zed A. Shaw
Hands-On Entity Resolution: A Practical Guide to Data Matching ...
Michael Shearer
Head First Java
Kathy Sierra & Bert Bates
You Don't Know JS: Types & Grammar
Kyle Simpson