Advanced Lock Picking Secrets
Steven Hampton
Gregg Shorthand - Do You Speak Headlinese
Gunnar Horn
Renato Stiefenhofer
Stream Processing With Apache Flink: Fundamentals, Implementation, ...
Vasiliki Kalavri & Fabian Hueske
A Source Book in Indian Philosophy
Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan & Charles A. Moore
An Introduction to the Theory of the Riemann Zeta-Function
S. J. Patterson
Conformal, Riemannian and Lagrangian Geometry
Paul C. Yang, Karsten Grove, Jon G. Wolfson & Edited By Alexandre Freire Sun-Yung A. Chang & Sun-Yung A. Chang & Paul C. Yang & Karsten Grove & Jon G. Wolfson & Alexandre Freire
Fundamentals of Mathematical Analysis
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Mathematics and Humor: A Study of the Logic of Humor
John Allen Paulos
DNA Computing: New Computing Paradigms
Gheorghe Paun & Grzegorz Rozenberg & Arto Salomaa
Compositional Data Analysis: Theory and Applications
Vera Pawlowsky-Glahn & Antonella Buccianti
Introduction to Fuzzy Logic
James K. Peckol
Functional Analysis in Applied Mathematics and Engineering
Michael Pedersen
Pemberton Mathematics for Cambridge IGCSE® Extended
Sue Pemberton
Cambridge IGCSE® and O Level Additional Mathematics Coursebook
Computational Discrete Mathematics: Combinatorics and Graph ...
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Techniques of Differential Topology in Relativity
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Logic Programming and Knowledge Representation: Third International ...
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Basic Analysis: Mappings on Infinite Dimensional Spaces
James K. Peterson
The Riemann Approach to Integration: Local Geometric Theory
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Toward Human-Level Artificial Intelligence: Representation and ...
Philip C. Jackson, Jr
Two Millennia of Mathematics: From Archimedes to Gauss
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