Avatar Bodies: A Tantra for Posthumanism
Ann Weinstone
Fooling Some of the People All of the Time, a Long Short (And ...
David Einhorn
Dark Psychology and Manipulation: The Best Mind Control and ...
Ashley Harrison
Pearls of Discrete Mathematics
Martin Erickson
An Introduction to Mathematical Logic and Type Theory: To Truth ...
Peter B. Andrews
Astronomy: All That Matters
Percy Seymour
All That Matters (1)
Principles of Linear Algebra With Mathematica®
Kenneth M. Shiskowski & Karl Frinkle
Pure and Applied Mathematics: A Wiley Series of Texts, Monographs and Tracts (1)
Interactive Web-Based Data Visualization with R, Plotly, and ...
Carson Sievert
Chapman & Hall/CRC The R Series (1)
Practical Quantum Computing for Developers
Vladimir Silva
Natural Language Processing for Electronic Design Automation
Mathias Soeken & Rolf Drechsler
God Is Mathematics: The Proofs of the Eternal Existence of Mathematics
Dr. Thomas Stark
Python Programming for Biology
Tim J. Stevens & Wayne Boucher
Höhere Mathematik mit Mathematica®: Band 2: Analysis
Walter Strampp & Dörthe Janssen
A Modern Introduction to Fuzzy Mathematics
Apostolos Syropoulos & Theophanes Grammenos
The Speed Math Bible
Yamada Takumi
A Physicist's Guide to Mathematica®
Patrick T. Tam
Fifty Years of Fuzzy Logic and Its Applications
Dan E. Tamir & Naphtali D. Rishe & Abraham Kandel
Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing (326)
The Dimitri Revolution: How a Drug Changed Humanity
Jack Tanner
Molecular Physical Chemistry - A Computer-based Approach using ...
José J. C. Teixeira-Dias
Rachel Carson
E. A. Tremblay
Fuzzy Logic
Enric Trillas & Luka Eciolaza
Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing (320)
The Singular Universe and the Reality of Time
Roberto Mangabeira Unger & Lee Smolin
Faktencheck Nachhaltigkeit
Thomas Unnerstall
Faktencheck Energiewende