Knowledge Construction Methodology: Fusing Systems Thinking ...
Yoshiteru Nakamori
The Routledge handbook of linguistics
Edited by Keith Allan.
Ancient Philosophy of Religion: The History of Western Philosophy ...
Graham Oppy & Nick N. Trakakis
Conceptual Graphs for Knowledge Representation: ... International ...
Guy W. Mineau & Bernard Moulin & John F. Sowa
Polyglot: How I Learn Languages: How I Learn Languages
Kato Lomb
Theoretical and Crosslinguistic Approaches to the Semantics ...
Susan Deborah Rothstein
The Normative Animal?: On the Anthropological Significance of ...
Neil Roughley & Kurt Bayertz
A Concise Introduction to Linguistics
Bruce M. Rowe & Diane P. Levine
Linguistic Perspectives on a Variable English Morpheme
Laura Rupp & David Britain
The German Language Today: A Linguistic Introduction
Charles Russ
Making Way in Corpus-Based Interpreting Studies
Mariachiara Russo & Claudio Bendazzoli & Bart Defrancq
John I. Saeed
Introducing Linguistics (25)
Language Maven Strikes Again
William Safire
Watching My Language: Adventures in the World Trade
Syntax and Semantics of Prepositions
Patrick Saint-Dizier
Computational Lexical Semantics
Patrick Saint-Dizier & Evelyn Viegas
The L2 Acquisition of Tense-Aspect Morphology
M. Rafael Salaberry & Yasuhiro Shirai
Lexical Bundles in Native and Non-Native Scientific Writing: ...
Danica Salazar
Indian Epigraphy: A Guide to the Study of Inscriptions in Sanskrit, ...
Richard Salomon
Language, Culture, and Society: An Introduction to Linguistic ...
Zdenek Salzmann & James Stanlaw & Nobuko Adachi
Language by Edward Sapir
Edward Sapir
General Linguistics
Edward Sapir & Pierre Swiggers
Interpreting Communicative Language Teaching: Contexts and Concerns ...
Sandra J. Savignon
Interlanguage Pragmatic Development: The Study Abroad Context
Gila Schauer