Statistics for Linguistics with R: A Practical Introduction
Stefan Th. Gries
Nuclear 2.0: Why a Green Future Needs Nuclear Power
Mark Lynas
Collected Poems
Sri Aurobindo
The Oxford Handbook of Disability History
Michael Rembis & Catherine J. Kudlick & Kim Nielsen
Oxford Handbooks (1)
Natural Language Processing Recipes: Unlocking Text Data with ...
Akshay Kulkarni & Adarsha Shivananda
Neurology for the Speech-Language Pathologist
Wanda Webb & Richard K. Adler
The Secret of the Golden Flower: A Chinese Book of Life
Wilhelm, Richard
Feminism & Bioethics: Beyond Reproduction
Susan M. Wolf
Qualitative Research From Start to Finish, Second Edition
Robert K. Yin
Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences
Virgil Zeigler-Hill & Todd K. Shackelford
The Adaptable Mind
John Zerilli
The Oxford Handbook of Neurolinguistics
Greig de Zubicaray & Niels O. Schiller