Objectivist Newsletter, Volume 2, 1963
Ayn Rand
37°: Das Geheimnis der idealen Körpertemperatur für optimale ...
Uwe Karstädt
The Ayn Rand Letter (October 1971 to January 1972)
The Cloud-To-Thing Continuum: Opportunities and Challenges in ...
Theo Lynn & John G. Mooney & Brian Lee & Patricia Takako Endo
Natural Language Processing and Information Systems: 14th International ...
Rafael Munoz & Elisabeth Metais & Helmut Horacek & Magdalena Wolska
The Malleus Maleficarum
Montague Summers
Dynamics of Folklore
Barre Toelken
Zombies in Western Culture: A Twenty-First Century Crisis
John Vervaeke & Christopher Mastropietro & Filip Miscevic