Encyclopedia of the Dead Sea Scrolls
Lawrence H. Schiffman & James C. Vanderkam
Graph Structures for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: ...
Madalina Croitoru & Sebastian Rudolph & Nic Wilson & John Howse & Olivier Corby
The Mind Invaders
Dave Hunt
Research Methods in Language and Education: 8
Nancy H. Hornberger & David Corson & P. Corson
So lügen Journalisten: Der Kampf um Quoten und Auflagen
Udo Ulfkotte
The Transformation of Natural Philosophy: The Case of Philip ...
Sachiko Kusukawa
Gesammelte Werke: Lutherbibel + Predigten + Traktate + Briefe ...
Martin Luther
Dictionary of Luther and the Lutheran Traditions
Timothy J. Wengert