Strong's Hebrew Dictionary of the Bible (Strong's Dictionary)
James Strong
On Never Having Learned How to Live [Essay on Derrida]
Judith P. Butler
Corpus Linguistics: Investigating Language Structure and Use
Douglas Biber
Naturalizing Epistemology: Thomas Kuhn and the ‘Essential Tension’
F. D'Agostino
Humble Inquiry: The Gentle Art of Asking Instead of Telling
Edgar H Schein
Deep Neuro-Fuzzy Systems with Python
Himanshu Singh & Yunis Ahmad Lone
Machine Learning with PySpark
Pramod Singh
Learn PySpark
Beginning Ethical Hacking With Python
Sanjib Sinha
Advanced API Security: The Definitive Guide to API Security
Prabath Siriwardena
Reliable JavaScript
Lawrence D. Spencer & Seth H. Richards
Practical Natural Language Processing with Python
Mathangi Sri
Practical Natural Language Processing With Python
Head First C#
Andrew Stellman & Jennifer Greene
Thinking in Pandas
Hannah Stepanek
The Truth About HTML5 (For Web Designers)
Luke Stevens
Programmierung in Python
Ralph Steyer
Mastering Flask
Jack Stouffer
Guide to Assembly Language: A Concise Introduction
James T. Streib
Programming Microcontrollers with Python
Armstrong Subero
Python Programming Illustrated For Beginners & Intermediates: ...
William Sullivan
The Future Is Here! (1)
Rapid GUI Programming With Python and Qt
Mark Summerfield
Beyond the Basic Stuff with Python
Al Sweigart
Routineaufgaben mit Python automatisieren