Judi Dench & Brendan O’Hea
The Philosophy of Thomas Aquinas
Peter J. Kreeft
Lectures on the Arithmetic Riemann-Roch Theorem
Gerd Faltings
Psychology and Language: An Introduction to Psycholinguistics
Herbert H. Clark & Eve V. Clark
The Case for Trump
Victor Davis Hanson
Disinformation Guide to Ancient Aliens, Lost Civilizations, ...
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The Emperor's New Mind: Concerning Computers, Minds, and the ...
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The Retreat of Reason: A Dilemma in the Philosophy of Life
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Moody Minds Distempered: Essays on Melancholy and Depression
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The Cambridge Companion to Frege
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Genius: A Very Short Introduction
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Time, Reality and Experience
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The Cambridge Companion to Early Modern Philosophy
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Una Carezza per l'Anima
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Embodied Cognition
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The Contents of Visual Experience
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Phenomenology and Philosophy of Mind
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Rethinking Language, Mind, and Meaning
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Rudolf Steiner
Philosophy and Memory Traces: Descartes to Connectionism
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