Advances in Chinese Spoken Language Processing
Chin-hue Lee & Haizhou Li & Lin-shan Lee & Ren-hua Wang & Qiang Huo
Gregory of Nazianzus
Gregorio Nacianceno (santo) & Saint Gregory (of Nazianzus) & Brian Daley
Introduction to Formal Philosophy
Vincent F. Hendricks & Sven Ove Hansson
Python for Geeks
Muhammad Asif
The Truth About Romanticism: Pragmatism and Idealism in Keats, ...
Tim Milnes
Civil Rights: Rhetoric or Reality
Thomas Sowell
The Complete Infidel's Guide to ISIS
Robert Spencer
A Critique of Postcolonial Reason: Toward a History of the Vanishing ...
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
Language Management
Bernard Spolsky
Psychedelics Encyclopedia
Peter G. Stafford & Jeremy Bigwood
Qualitative Research: Studying How Things Work
Robert E. Stake
Across Atlantic Ice: The Origin of America's Clovis Culture
Dennis J. Stanford & Bruce A. Bradley
The Bias That Divides Us: The Science and Politics of Myside ...
Keith E. Stanovich
"Those Who Labor for My Happiness": Slavery at Thomas Jefferson's ...
Lucia C. Stanton
Cities of God: The Real Story of How Christianity Became an ...
Rodney Stark
The Werewolf Book: The Encyclopedia of Shape-Shifting Beings
Brad Steiger
Frank Henderson Stewart
Mathematik: Probleme — Themen — Fragen
Ian Nicholas Stewart
Spiel, Satz und Sieg für die Mathematik: Zwölf vergnügliche ...
Figments of Reality: The Evolution of the Curious Mind
Ian Nicholas Stewart & Jack Cohen
Sinclair ZX Spectrum: Programmieren leichtgemacht
Ian Nicholas Stewart & Robin Jones
Weitere Kniffe und Programme mit dem ZX Spectrum
Reclaiming Theodicy: Reflections on Suffering, Compassion and ...
Michael Stoeber
Nixon's Secrets
Roger Stone
New World Order: A Strategy of Imperialism
Sean Stone & Richard Grove & Guido Preparata