Analysis and Control of Complex Dynamical Systems: Robust Bifurcation, ...
Kazuyuki Aihara & Jun-Ichi Imura & Tetsushi Ueta
Fuzzy TOPSIS: Logic, Approaches, and Case Studies
Mohamed el Alaoui
Mark A. Throntveit
A Brief History of Thought
Luc Ferry
Using the HTML5 Filesystem API
Eric Bidelman
Philosophy of Science - Practice of Science:
C. Smith
Routledge History of Philosophy, Volume 9 - Philosophy of Science, ...
Stuart G. Shanker
Philosophy of Science, Logic and Mathematics in the Twentieth ...
Philosophy of Science: A Contemporary Introduction
Alex Rosenberg & Lee Mcintyre
Philosophy and History of Science
Hans Radder
Philosophy of Time: A Contemporary Introduction
Sean Enda Power
Adam Smith
James R. Otteson
Mind and Cosmos: Why the Materialist Neo-Darwinian Conception ...
Thomas Nagel
Philosophy of Science
Jeffrey L. Kasser
Scientific Introspection
William A. Adams