The Secret Language of Birthdays: Personology Profiles for Each ...
Gary Goldschneider & Aron Goldschneider
Bioethics: Ancient Themes in Contemporary Issues
Mark G. Kuczewski & Ronald Polansky
Aerobiology: The Toxicology of Airborne Pathogens and Toxins
Harry Salem & Sidney A. Katz
Renato Stiefenhofer
Practical Chinese Grammar for Foreigners, Revised Edition
Dejin Li
The Culture of Narcissism: American Life in an Age of Diminishing ...
Christopher Lasch
Nachhaltigkeit als radikaler Wandel: Die Quadratur des Kreises?
Hellmuth Lange
After Shock: The World's Foremost Futurists Reflect on 50 Years ...
Ray Kurzweil & George Gilder & Martin Rees & Newt Gingrich & Alan Kay & David Brin & Po Bronson
Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace, and Conflict - Volume 2 - F-Pe
Lester R. Kurtz & Jennifer E. Turpin
Corruption and Norms: Why Informal Rules Matter
Ina Kubbe & Annika Engelbert
The Great Disruptor: Über Trump, die Medien und die Politik ...
Lars Koch & Tobias Nanz & Christina Rogers
Eating the Dinosaur
Chuck Klosterman
Does the 21st Century Belong to China?: The Munk Debate on China
Henry Kissinger & Niall Ferguson & Daokui Li & Fareed Zakaria
The Munk Debates (1)
Fire in the Belly: On Being a Man
Sam Keen
Democracy and Media Decadence
John Keane
Erfahrung und Erzählung: Zur Topologie des Wissens
Michael Kauppert
Nachhaltigkeit anders denken: Veränderungspoten[..] durch Geschlechterpersp[..]
Christine Katz & Sebastian Heilmann & Anja Thiem & Katharina Moths & Lea M. Koch & Sabine Hofmeister
Postmodernism and the Politics of 'Culture'
Adam Katz
Sebastian Junger
The Oxford Handbook of Religion and Violence
Mark Juergensmeyer & Margo Kitts & Michael Jerryson
Language and Identity: National, Ethnic, Religious
John E. Joseph
The Vigilant Citizen: Everyday Policing and Insecurity in Miami
Thijs Jeursen
Judith Butler: Sexual Politics, Social Change and the Power ...
Gill Jagger
Das Transformative Potenzial Von Konsum Zwischen Nachhaltigkeit ...
Renate Hübner & Barbara Schmon
Kritische Verbraucherforschung (1)
Handlungsstabilis[..] in Unternehmen: Vertrauen Versus Misstrauen ...
Alexandra Huth