Processing Syntax and Morphology: A Neurocognitive Perspective
Ina Bornkessel-Schlesewsky & Matthias Schlesewsky
The Epistemic Life of Groups: Essays in the Epistemology of ...
Michael Brady & Miranda Fricker
LaTeX in 24 Hours: A Practical Guide for Scientific Writing
Dilip Datta
Indian Buddhist Philosophy
Amber Carpenter
Ancient Philosophies (1)
Weihnachten mit Charles Dickens: Gesammelte Werke
Charles Dickens
Thinking Through the Wissenschaftslehre: Themes From Fichte's ...
Daniel Breazeale
Descartes' Meditations on First Philosophy
Kurt Brandhorst
The Sublime in Modern Philosophy: Aesthetics, Ethics, and Nature
Emily Brady
The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Death
Ben Bradley & Fred Feldman & Jens Johansson
Concepts and Categories
Isaiah Berlin
The Social and Political Philosophy of Mary Wollstonecraft
Sandrine Bergès & Alan M. S. J. Coffee
Hilary Putnam
Yemima Ben-Menahem
Virtue and Vice, Moral and Epistemic
Heather Battaly
The Chronicles of Narnia and Philosophy: The Lion, the Witch, ...
Gregory Bassham & Jerry L. Walls & William Irwin
Critical Thinking: A Student's Introduction
Gregory Bassham & James M. Wallace & William Irwin & Henry Nardone
Nihilism and Philosophy: Nothingness, Truth and World
Gideon Baker
The Great Guide: What David Hume Can Teach Us About Being Human ...
Julian Baggini
The Inquiring Mind: On Intellectual Virtues and Virtue Epistemology
Jason Baehr & Jason S. Baehr
Eichmann war von empörender Dummheit: Gespräche und Briefe
Hannah Arendt & Joachim Fest
Eichmann in Jerusalem: Ein Bericht von der Banalität des Bösen
Hannah Arendt
Thinking Without a Banister: Essays in Understanding, 1953-1975
Essays in Understanding, 1930-1954: Formation, Exile, and Totalitarianism
Responsibility and Judgment
The Freedom to Be Free: From Thinking Without a Banister